"Stone No. 1" - (LA 001) - Nickname "Miguel"
(recently classified as a basaltic shergottite)
- - - FACT SHEET for the this new MARS METEORITE - - -
- - - The descriptions accompanying these images are based upon - - -
- - - by the author of this web page only - - -
- - - and DOES NOT reflect the findings of a concurrent study at UCLA - - -
The exterior of this meteoritic rock is a relatively well-preserved fusion crust. . . This suggests that it came from a relatively recent fall... Along with carbon-14 age dating of the interior of this stone, a minimum terrestrial age date might be able to be determined from the rate of development of the caliche encrustation.
LA 001 after being "chipped" for thin-sectioning and analysis. Click on image at left for an image of the find before saw cutting. Click on your web browser's "BACK" button in order to return here. |
"Click" HERE |
Click on image at left for an image of the find before saw cutting. Click on your web browser's "BACK" button in order to return here. |
"Click" HERE |
Click on image at left for an image of the find before saw cutting. Click on your web browser's "BACK" button in order to return here. |
"Click" HERE |
Click on image at left for an image of the find before saw cutting. Click on your web browser's "BACK" button in order to return here. |
Side view () displays this stones blocky cleavage. |
Side view () this is the end in which a 25 gram end cut was taken and donated to UCLA. |
Side view () this is encrustation is called "caliche" and, like the "lime" deposits in a water pipe, this doesn't wash off. |
Sisde view () note flow lines aong the edges which suggest a slow tumble during the last portion of the ablation event for this stone. |
Bottom view (B) not as much caliche here on the bottom side. Capillary action brings the mineral laden water in the soil from here up to the sides of the stone where water evaporates and the minerals saturate and are deposited. |
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LA 001 after being "chipped" for thin-sectioning and analysis. Click on image at left for an image of the find before saw cutting. Click on your web browser's "BACK" button in order to return here. |
LA 001 after being "chipped" for thin-sectioning and analysis. Click on image at left for an image of the find before saw cutting. Click on your web browser's "BACK" button in order to return here. |
LA 001 after being "chipped" for thin-sectioning and analysis. Click on image at left for an image of the find before saw cutting. Click on your web browser's "BACK" button in order to return here. |
Close-up of fusion crust on what I call the "aft end". |
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January 7, 2000.
Home Page Maintenance by
Bob Verish
Last Updated: January 26, 2000